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Let your heart be full of Joy!

If you do not see with your heart, you cannot see. If you do not hear with your heart, you cannot hear. If you do not feel with your heart, you cannot feel. If you do not live with your heart, you cannot live.

Chinese Proverb

When we have a negative belief in our heart, we do not have to follow it. There are other beliefs that are opposite to the negative one. We bounce back and forth between beliefs, some actions coming from one belief in our hearts and some from an opposing belief. In order to remain consistent in our positive actions and intent , we must align all of our heart with the beliefs that have the highest energy. This is done by aligning ourselves with Jesus Christ. The more we are in turn or in resonance with him, the more success we will have. We need to remember, however, that this is a life-long process and be patient with ourselves. Impatience will bring in a negative energy that will oppose that which we are striving for. The perfect heart of success is owned by God. He is perfectly successful in anything he does. He is the perfect healer, the perfect parent, the perfect thinker the perfect creator. As for wealth, he owns all of the riches in the universe, yet he is perfectly generous. This is what we are striving for. This is what our natures crave. This is why we desire success.

Sometimes we need a little hip to dig out the inner beliefs that cause us to have ill health, poor marital relationships, inner conflict, etc. I have been given a gift to be able to help people do this. I am excited and fulfilled when I see lives changing for the better. This life is to have joy. If you do not feel joy, you need to release the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual baggage so that you can fly. Let me know if you want my help.

Cheryl Compton

Inner-health Coach

EFT Practitioner


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What are you giving to your heart? You are creating what will soon be reality. Every day we add to the picture that we give to our creative center. Every day we either improve the reality that is being created, or we degrade it.

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   In this world of ours we have been given the power to create.  We have inherited this power from our Father in Heaven, and he knows we will use it.  Actually, we are unable to keep from using this God-given gift. It is part of our natures.  In fact, there is no way for us to stop creating.  As children of God, we exhibit this divine trait in everything we do, in everything we are, and in everything that happens around us.  What are you creating?


The answer is simple: You are creating your state of health and your state of mind. You are creating the way in which your spouse reacts when you are concerned.  You are creating your financial situation. You are the creator of the way that your children respond to you and in great part to the world around them.

      But, you say, I want things to be different! I want my husband to love me.  I want to be out of debt.  I want to be in good physical shape. My experience as a naturopath and Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner has shown me time and time again that we create discomfort and pain in our lives not because of the thoughts we come to our minds consciously, but because of the underlying thoughts, feelings, and barriers that we have in our sub-conscious mind.  This is where the creative power is the most potent.

      I have a client who we will call Beth.  She weighed about 350 pounds when she started coming to me and has slowly dropped weight over the span of our sessions together. On our third visit, I conducted a nutritional analysis.  She was in a good range in all of her amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.  I asked her about her diet.  She ate like a rabbit – salad and cottage cheese for lunch, few processed foods, small portions at dinner.  The obesity was not caused by diet or nutritional causes. 

      Her most recent increase in weight happened about thirteen years before, just after her divorce from Todd. (His name isn’t really Todd, but it is a nice name, don’t you think?)  This was a big clue.  Using techniques that I have to delve into the spiritual and emotional roots of physical problems, I helped her clear beliefs that she had about herself because of the divorce. Among other things, her subconscious mind had been given creation instructions like: “You are ugly,” “You are too fat to have children,” and other lies that her husband had told her.  These she took as truth and set to work changing her hypothalamic set points – the thermostat for the body’s condition.  Her perfect system followed orders perfectly and her weight shot up to 350 or so where it clung tenaciously for thirteen years.

      Last night’s treatment was fascinating.  Using neural kinesiology, intuition, and a bit of detective work we discovered what I believe to be the core of the obesity problem.  When Beth was five years old, she was told by her father, with whom she had a wonderful relationship, that if she was not nice to her little sister, she would be unhappy the rest of her life.  For some reason, Beth’s subconscious took this simple fatherly push as instructions for life.  She knew that she was not always nice to her sister and so her subconscious mind set about doing its best to be obedient to her father’s words.  After we figured this our she said that it made sense, because that was when the weight problem began; before that she was “as skinny as a stick.” Not only had her mind implanted these words as instructions, but her whole autonomic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that is not consciously controlled) was affected.  Her body was creating what she was telling it to create. I am very interested to see how fast she drops the weight now.  She told me last night that she has been hovering around the 325 lb. mark.  I’ll try to keep you posted.

      We truly are the product of our thoughts, feelings and actions, but not necessarily those that are evident consciously.  If you are really in tune with your feelings, you will see clues of the hidden subconscious thoughts that are self-sabotaging your joy and progression.  When you detect one, it is important that you get rid of it.  The only way to truly rid oneself of these is to give them to Christ.  This can often be done through prayer, but I have found that sometimes we need to utilize the tools that God has revealed to his children in order to reach into the depths of the subconscious brain in order to yank them out and give them up. 

      One such tool is a visualization that was taught to me by my husband, Arden, who is a naturopathic doctor, my partner in helping people, and my best friend. I have actually taken his words from the book that we wrote together entitled, Freedom from the Plague: Overcoming Pornography Addiction Using Emotional Freedom Technique, but I have modified it to be for more general problems.  It is written for a facilitator-client situation, but you can modify it and do it without help if needed: 

      Have the individual close his eyes and visualize a peaceful place, such as a mountain meadow, or a beach, or someplace that works for the individual as a peaceful place.  The person should keep his eyes closed until the end of the exercise. Ask the person to put a shape to the problem or emotion.  What would it look like in this scene?  Some image may come to his mind.  If not, tell him it could be anything – a black blob, a hug rock, a thundercloud, a cactus, a circle or anything.  If he still can’t put a shape to it, suggest a rock, and then ask him how big the rock is.  To make sure he is seeing it as vividly as possible, ask him what color the rock is, whether it is smooth or rough, and other similar questions.  Then have him repeat the following out loud: 

          Every time I have ever had this problem is in the past, and there is nothing I can do about past mistakes except learn from them.  So, without excusing myself, I forgive myself for the things I have said and done and not said and done that have contributed to this problem.  I forgive all others that have contributed to this problem – for the things they have said and done and not said and done that have added to this problem.  I hope for each of them all the healing available through Christ.  I completely forgive myself for every past mistake with regard to this and I choose to learn from those mistakes.  If I don’t learn from those mistakes, I will repeat them.  Now I choose to learn from them and be better than I was. 

      Now have the person imagine that the Savior Jesus Christ appears in this scene, full of light, glory, compassion, and perfect love.  Have him imagine that the Savior says something like this: 

          Bob, I have already suffered for this rock you are carrying, you don’t need to carry it any longer.  Give it to me, and you can be free. 

      Ask the individual if he can see himself giving the rock to the Savior in the scene.  Even if it is very large, he may be able to visualize this.  If he says he cannot move it, have him repeat, 

          I completely forgive myself and turn this over to the Savior.  The Atonement is enough for my problem. 

      Once again ask him if he can see himself giving this rock to the Savior.  If he still cannot, ask him to say,  

          Jesus, I need some help with this.  I want to give you this problem, but I am not strong enough.  Will you please come take this rock away? 

Then ask him to tell you what happens.  Typically the person will report that the Savior takes the rock away.  I always follow up with the question, 

       What happened to the rock when the Savior took it? 

Many times, the person reports that the rock just disappeared, or the Savior threw it away.  If they report that the Savior is just holding it, it is an indication that they have not completely let go of it. If that is the case, I say something like,  

          Now imagine the Savior says to you, “You are still holding on to this a little bit.  Trust in me, and turn it completely over to me.  You don’t need to keep this problem in your view; I can take it completely out of your life.  Trust in me and let it go.” 

      I then again ask the person to tell me what they see.  Most times they indicate the rock is now gone – perhaps it was absorbed in the Savior’s light, or he threw it far away, or something like that.  If the person still can see any portion of the rock, or even a shadow or outline of the rock, he may need to keep repeating forgiveness statements. 

      It is a powerful visualization and can be applied to any negative emotion, event, addiction, or feeling.  There are many other ways to root the negatives out of our minds.  I will enjoy sharing more of them with you in the future. 

      Remember, God wants us to be full of joy!  That is what this life is about – finding joy in the midst of pain, feeling love while surrounded by hate.  After all, we are trying to follow the example set by Jesus Christ.  No one has felt more anguish, more sorrow, more pain than he, yet no one has even come close to the level of joy and love that enabled him to endure those trials.   
Cheryl Compton

Inner-health Coach

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